XtCat guestbook widget by Mobilestimulus
css stylesheet by Graham
The Css
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/* Start xtcat guestbook css */ /* © Mobilestimulus */ /* http://xtcat.xtgem.com */ /* Stylesheet © Graham */ /* Css3 corner radius and box shadow */ .gb_div, .gb_form_link, .gb_entries_div, .gb_name_link_time, .gb_entry_content, .gb_pagination_div_top, .gb_pagination_div_bottom, .gb_form_div, .gb_user_area, .gb_site_area, .gb_textarea_area, .gb_antispam_image, .gb_security_code_area, .gb_submit_button { -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #888; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #888; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #888; } /* Outer holder */ .gb_div { max-width:320px; text-align:left; padding:0 2px 1em 2px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid #888; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/tile.png)#def } /* Main containers common styles */ .gb_entries_div, .gb_form_div { border:1px solid #000; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/cograd.png) repeat-x bottom #aaa; width:96%; margin:0 auto; padding:4px 2px } /* Inner containers common styles */ .gb_entry_content, .gb_name_link_time { border:1px solid #000; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/ingrad.png) repeat-x top #ddd; width:96%; margin:0 auto 6px auto; padding:2px; display:block } /* First letter styles */ .gb_entry_content:first-letter, .gb_user_label_div:first-letter, .gb_site_label_div:first-letter, .gb_textarea_label_div:first-letter, .gb_security_code_label_div:first-letter { font-size:125%; color:#800; text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #888; } /* Default link styles */ .gb_div a { text-decoration:none; font-weight:800; } .gb_div a:link { color:#00f } .gb_div a:visited { color:#808 } .gb_div a:active, .gb_div a:hover { color:#080 } /* Change top divider into your logo */ .gb_separator1_div { color:transparent; text-align:center; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/mylogo.png) no-repeat center transparent; height:32px; overflow:hidden } /* other dividers */ .gb_separator2_div, .gb_post_separator_div { color:transparent; text-align:center; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/separator_line.png) no-repeat center transparent; height:16px; overflow:hidden } .gb_separator3_div { color:transparent; height:4px; overflow:hidden } .gb_separator4_div { display:none } /* Sign guestbook nav link */ .gb_form_link_div { text-align:center; margin-bottom:6px } .gb_form_link { border:1px solid #aaa; background:#ccc; padding:0 1px; font-size:.8em } /* Message info area */ .gb_name_link_time { font-size:.8em; text-align:left; } .gb_entry_site_link { display:block } /* User icon before name */ .gb_entry_site_link:before { content:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/user.png); } /* Report post */ .gb_report_div { width:18px; height:18px; padding:2px; overflow:hidden } /* Change report link to image */ .gb_report_div a, .gb_report_div a:link, .gb_report_div a:visited, .gb_report_div a:active, .gb_report_div a:hover { color:transparent } .gb_post_report_link { background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/alarm_bell.png) no-repeat left transparent; color:transparent; } /* Pagination */ .gb_pagination_div_top, .gb_pagination_div_bottom { border:1px solid #000; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/ingrad.png) repeat-x top #ddd; margin-left:1% ; padding:0 2px; display:inline; font-size:.5em; } .gb_pagination_div_top a, .gb_pagination_div_bottom a { color:#800; font-weight:100 } .gb_current_page {font-weight:900;color:#f00;} /* Post to guestbook form */ .gb_form_div { margin-top:4px } /* Post to guestbook form Common styles */ .gb_antispam_image_div, .gb_textarea_label_div, .gb_site_label_div, .gb_site_input_div, .gb_user_label_div, .gb_security_code_label_div, .gb_security_code_input_div, .gb_submit_button_div { text-align:center } /* Post to guestbook form Text input fields common styles */ .gb_user_area, .gb_site_area, .gb_textarea_area, .gb_security_code_area, .gb_submit_button { border:1px solid #000; background:url(http://xtcat.widgets.tutorial.graham.yn.lt/ingrad.png) repeat-x top #ddd; margin:2px auto; padding:2px; } .gb_site_area { width:70%; display:inline } .gb_user_area, .gb_textarea_area { width:96%; display:block } .gb_antispam_image { border:2px solid #888; } .gb_security_code_area { width:120px; font-size:200% } .gb_submit_button { color:#800; font-weight:900; } /* end XtCat guestbook css */
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